Have a question about delivery? (800) 697‑3259

Ordering from us

  • While you’re in your shopping cart, click the “Remove“ link right under the product price.

  • If you haven’t started the checkout process, to remove an item, click the “Remove“ link right under the product price in the Cart. To change the quantity for an item, click on the “Quantity“ drop-down number and select the quantity you want. To add another product to your order, click the “Continue Shopping“ button.

    If you’ve completed checkout, call 1-800-697-3259 to talk to one of our Customer Service staff. They will help determine if your order can be changed, based on whether it’s been processed for shipment or not.

  • If you haven’t started the checkout process, your order hasn’t been placed so there’s no need to cancel it.

    If you’re partway through the checkout process, your order hasn’t been placed so there’s no need to cancel it.

    If you’ve completed checkout, call 1-800-697-3259 to talk to one of our Customer Service staff. They will help determine if your order can be canceled, based on whether it’s been processed for shipment or not.

  • During checkout, just indicate the address you want your purchase shipped to. If you create an online account, you can save both default billing and shipping addresses. In fact, you can save multiple addresses in your account; so for example, you can use a different address for each person on your gift list.

Purchasing online

Shipping and delivery

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